The Mane Objective

Well, I am officially experiencing something that usually only middle-age men go through: Hair Loss! The past week I have lost more hair than I think I've lost over the whole course of my life. When I wake up in the morning my pillow looks like it is made out of a fur pillow case. I go and pick up Sienna and it is all over her. I actually found one in her diaper-gross! Even Jason is making comment on it. He may not notice if I buy a new outfit, but he sure does take notice of my new fur clothes. I thought my cat shed a lot, but Rocky has nothing on me. After brushing my hair or taking a shower, you would have thought I got in a fight with cousin It (from the Addams family, I think we use to be distantly related).
But before I begin to worry, I used my new handy dandy 21st century toy, and googled hair loss in new mothers. Well, of course it pulled up a zillion sites on different persepectives of hair loss, one even talked about Brittney Spears and her new balding experience. That sure made me feel much more at ease knowing that the queen of pop is going through the same experiences I am. Of course I am not wearing exactly the same outfits as hers. My JCrew t-shirt (that I have yet to wash since having Sienna-j/k) isn't quiet as revealing as Brittney's xxsmall v-neck shirts. Oh! And I do buckle Sienna up in her carseat when all of her fans(aka family) start to swarm us. After searching through different articles I found one that was from other mother's and it explained that my hair loss is normal-that is so refreshing. But, there is nothing I can really do about it. Some of the comments were uplifting and others were a little depressing. Hopefully, in a couple of months I will stop shedding and start growing my beautiful mane back. Until than I guess Sienna and I will have one thing in common, short-balding hair. But for some reason I think she will wear it better than I will, since balding is the trend for babies, not quite for twenty-somethings.
The picture above was of me around Easter. The top one of Sienna is what I have to look forward to looking like over the next few months. No one is really looking at me anyways when I have my beautiful SiSi in my arms!