Impacting a Child

Jason, Sienna, and I went to see my kindergarten class graduate on Friday. I hadn't seen them since Sienna was a couple of weeks old. So, they had no idea that I was coming. The moment I walked in the door they all dropped what they were doing and just about tackled me. Each one had grown a little taller, smiled a little bigger (some with fewer teeth), hugged a little tighter, and smelled a little better. They were eager to see me, and I was just as eager to see them. Everything was so familiar. But my visit was different. As they ran around the room in eagerness and complete chaos, I realized that I had missed out on so much: the birthdays, them really learning to read, teeth coming out, feet growing, tying shoes, wiping noses, fights, skinned knees, caring for each other, argueing over who will sit next to me at lunch, red cards, and all that is discovered during a five year olds life. These were things that I had taken for granted while I taught. They were day to day things. The norm for most kids. But I had missed it.
As I sat there watching the program, I was filled with sadness. But towards the end the teacher who took my place gave me an opportunity to talk. I was able to relate how much I missed them and was proud of their accomplishments. As the programmed ended I was able to catch up with the parents. One after another praised me for the impact I had on their child's life and education. This made me feel good and important. All my work had paid off for those young children. I began to miss teaching and the opportunity I had to impact others for good. But as our time came to an end and I watched my wonderful husband placing my beautiful daughter in the car, I was filled with happiness. My journey has just begun with impacting a child's life, the life of my own kid. What a great opportunity I have ahead of me!
wow, we have alot of teachers in this family! Girl, your Sienna is one of the most gorgeous newborn babies I have ever seen. I mean, every picture of her that I see I catch my breath at her beauty. I'm so happy for you guys to be in this phase of life!
p.s. did you get the gift we sent for her?
you have the ability to change the world through your impact on sienna. YOU are going to be the one who teaches sienna what it means to be a woman, a wife and a mother- what an amazing calling! you are already doing such a great job and i know that you will continue being a GREAT mother
those kids are so cutie.
and I agree with Rachey. And april, for that matter.
Oh...I was anonymous
i hope you and jason have a safe trip to AL and that Sienna does fine with the flight down South. Have a great time!!
where did the red wagon come from?? lol i got back from work today(friday) and saw the wagon. just wanted to know where it came from, maybe from the sky because it was raining off and on all day!! haha well i hope that you, jason and Sienna had a great trip to AL, by the way how did Sienna do on flight to AL???
ttyl have a great time!!!
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