Rejoicing in the Strong Will!

This past week Jason was speaking at Keswick Camp. Sienna and I went with him, which was our first time as a family going to a speaking engagement. Every meal we ate in the dinnning hall (the food was awesome) and sat with another family. After lunch one day they had brought out these ice pop things. Everyone at the table was enjoying theres 'cause it was a hot July day. I love ice cold things, so I got one as well. As I begin to eat mine I take Sienna out of her stroller and sit her on my lap. As we are all conversing we begin to notice that Sienna is eyeballing my ice pop. She starts to reach for it and I pull it away as any good mother would do to protect there baby from super lemon pops filled with sugar. The people at the table encourage me to let her try it, so I give in (she is teething and cold stuff is suppose to feel good on her gums). She is loving this thing. Drool filled with lemon juice is dripping down her chin and all down me. After a couple of minuets of this I take it away, like any good mother would do (have to protect her from overdosing on sugar). She instantly begins to scream and pitch a fit (all eyes are on me, seeing what I'm going to do). Just to see what she would do, I return it back to her mouth. She stops screaming. Her eyes are filled with contentment and she can't take her eyes off of the ice pop. I take it away again, she screams, put it back into her mouth, she stops. We repeat this a few more times. Finally, I take it away from her for good and throw it away. She screams for a second, and then her attetion is directed to some other thing (it is amazing the intense focus and baby can have).
We joked at the table about her sinful nature coming out in its purest form and how this could be a sign of what's to come with her being strong willed. As I begin to think about this I was faced with the fact that my child is not perfect (who would of thought-Ha,Ha) and that she is going to be strong willed. But this doesn't have to be looked at as something that is bad or wrong. The fact is, is that we are all imperfect and that is something that we are born with. This doesn't bother me because I know that there is hope for her in Christ. She will sin many more times, but she can receive forgiveness for that. And as far as her having a strong personality, I rejoice in that. She was designed before time and that is how God created her. There is no mistakes with God (enviornment can have affects on people, but that is a whole other discussion). So, when this happens again, I will praise God for her and pray that He gives Jason and I truth and light in knowing how to lead her. He has given us her for a time and we want to nurture her spirit into what He wants. This is a big responsibility, but I feel privledged to be given one of God's most highest creations. So, I rejoice in her strong will!
hey, i dont know if you still check this but i wanted to tell you that it was nice seeing you tonight! sienna is adorable and it was a lot of fun getting to spend some time with her. Alright, well i guess i'll see you on sunday.. have a great night!
Hey Y'all! I was just telling Jase that I need to post a new blog. I was keeping up with this thing, but than got busy & haven't done it in a while. I try to keep up with it!
Hey Y'all! I was just telling Jase that I need to post a new blog. I was keeping up with this thing, but than got busy & haven't done it in a while. I try to keep up with it!
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