Missing Out, But Not on Love

Well, we just returned from Bama. I forgot how steaming hot it got there. We went for walks in the ealy morning and it was hotter then it was in the middle of the day in PA (when I returned it was in the 70s here). It was so great to visit with family and enjoy their company. The only thing is, when we go I feel like I never get to see Jason. When we were flying back was when we got to catch up with each other. But we choose to take time for our families instead of vacations with each other (and that is one thing that we wouldn't change right now).
I didn't now that Sienna was famous. As soon as we got there she was surrounded by people (some may call these people family, but I call them her fan club; but of course I'm her number one fan). They were all taking turns holding her, cooing to her (I thought she was the one who was suppose to do that), feeding her, taking her for walks, kissing/hugging her, and even changing her (poor aunt Karen had to change a major blowout-thanks). And when we went to all get family pics, we all looked like a bunch of monkeys high on cocaine trying to get Sienna to smile (I promise some of the guys were jumping up and down waving their arms like a big ape). It was all worth it though when she looked at the camera and gave a big beautiful smile. As much as the family loved on SiSi, they loved us and took interest in us just as much. That is what is so great about them.
We have only been home for a couple of days and in that time so much has changed already with Sienna. She started to eat sweet potatoes (which she loves), grabs a hold of her feet and won't let go, and has rolled over from her stomach to her back. In that short amount of time she has learned new things. She will always be learning new things and family will miss out on some of those things, but they won't miss out on loving her and her loving them. Whenever anything happens I try and call all the fam and let them know. So, even though we live far away and family isn't always around, at least I know she is loved deeply and I know she will love them back just as much.
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Wow that is so neat! THe little boy I am nannying just started rolling over and grabbing his feet, too.
It's funny how you talk about everybody loving on SiSi but not neglecting you two either. I can't say I did that with April and JOel. It was pretty much all about Carly, but then, Carly automatically makes them the favorite family members (ha..we joke alot in my fam about who is the favorite-it's like a competition). It's hard to pay attention to others though when the one and only niece/grandchild is in the room, ya know?
Yeah, my siblings joke about me being the favorite 'cause I live so far away and know I have Sienna. But just wait your day will come with having babies. When do you think that you will try to have kids? Last night Jase and I were talking and I brought up the topic of another child and would we want to find out and what we would name it. And then I froze and came back to reality 'cause I have one tiny beautiful baby and I am not going to rush having another one. Maybe in a couple of years.
Well we have been praying a lot about when to have them and actually haven't used any protection since May but this past 2 weeks I have felt real convicted about my physical self and how I am in no shape to be a full time momma, much less in the best shape to be pregnant. Hopefully within the next couple of months I can get my body back into shape and we can really start trying. I doubt we will continue using protection though because we've actually enjoyed (or I have) so much more without spermicide or anything. I havent been on the pill for a year now sooo...anyways....that was probably way too much information, but you can pray that we will really listen to God and he will reveal his timing for us, and if he doesn't that we can continue trusting anyway!
jenny i know what you are talking about when you go visit fam you aren't getting to be with each other. i think next time when you come we just make you 2 go out by yourself. i want yall's relationship to grow and blossom. it was hard for me to spend vacations with the family but now i am so glad we are close to one another. i think we would just be superficial with one another had we not spent that time together and worked out issues between us and seen each other grow and change over the years.
my sister was such a help to me when we were going through all that with jason.
yes we do adore sisi and i can't believe how much fun she has added to our life but i want you to know that i am just as enthralled by you and jase. i love to see the way you are growing and how god is using you both. sometimes i sit back in awe just praising god for his work in yall's life. i am so blessed with our family. hope i didn't ramble to much. all my love to you always, lainey
jen, i am glad that you are jase make it a priority to be here. i hate that we live so far away, probably now more than ever. it is crazy how fast sisi is growing. could you tell her to slow down a little bit?
i agree with mom, even though we are obsessed with sisi, you and jase are equally important and i love the time we spend together. i especially love coming up to your home and seeing you in your real life. i am so proud of both of you and you guys are amazing parents!! sisi is one blessed little girl.
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