Little Miss Bossy Pants

Well, I hate to burst your gentle & timid image of me, but I am bossy! No, really I am! In many ways I knew this to be a little bit true. Even growing up I would boss my younger sister around and tried to boss my older brother around, he usually just laughed and then would preceed to shoot me in the face with a beebee gun. The other day Jason & I watched some home videos of us over the past months. While watching this my eyes were opened to what a dictator I can be. I would tell Jason what to do & how to do it. I would even try to tell my family what to do. I thought giving instructions in a nice and kind way would help me not to sound so bossy, but it sure didn't. It was a little humbling, okay-big time humbling, to watch those videos. I turned to Jason and said, "I am BOSSY." A little piece of me was hoping that he would reassure me that I wasn't, he responded in the most loving way, "Uh, Ya think!"
This hit me hard. I don't want to be controlling and the type of person who has to boss others around. But I have become that person. I try to tell myself that things have to be done a certain way for our lives to run smoothly, but really it is my selfish way of trying to control things the way I want them done. This is not fair to the people around me, especially my husband, and one day my kids. After taking a long hard look at myself I have realized that my way isn't always the right way and there doesn't have to be a right and a wrong way. I need to rejoice that we are all different. I need to let my husband be his own boss (well, maybe I can gentle let him know that a yellow shirt shouldn't be thrown in with a load of whites) and let him wash the dishes how he wants to.
The fact is, I have a husband who loves me for me and allows me to be over organized & a little obsessive. I owe it to him to be not so bossy and a little more quit. Not that I should turn into a church mouse, but I should remind myself that no words are better than bossy words (well,something like that). He does so much for the family already without me even having to ask. Just yesterday he took Sienna out and let me lay in bed and read. He also, folded four loads of laundry. So, the next time I see him not wiping the counter a certain way, or not changing Sienna into a specific outfit, I am going to not say a word & thank him for all that he does.
awww Jenny...I didnt know that you had a blog site...You're pictures of Sienna are so cute...I love the ones of her with the yogurt...they are priceless!!! Well I can't wait to see you at messfest, and if you ever need help with Sienna just hollar!!!
Lots of Love,
I'm not as bossy as I am always speaking with an attitude in my voice towards mattie and mattie only. the simplest question from him can spark a tone of hate from me. and i aint even mad at him or anything it just comes out. it's embarassing really. Matt is the bossy one here. It's good you realized it though. I will pray for your willingness to change always and the steadfastness to change also.
i agree with amy- nathan is definitely the bossy one in our family- boss boss boss... do this, do that...
hahahahahahaahah just kidding. jenjen, i am with ya on the bossy pants thing! i'm so thankful i have a patient husband!!!
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